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Vision & Mission


The life and work of Dr. Annie Besant, the great nationalist leader, a pioneer in the field of women’s education and the first President of Theosophical Society (Indian Section) inspired Dr. Rohit Mehta, a renowned thinker and a frontline theosophist, to found Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya. The basis of the goals and objectives of the institution is embedded in the following statement of Dr. Rohit Mehta: "Our endeavor in V.K.M. is:

  • to link up education with Culture and Tradition with Modernity.
  • to maintain higher academic standards.
  • to enable the girls to imbibe the finest cultural traditions of the land.
  • to synthesize full freedom with total sense of responsibility.”

“Education as Service” is the driving force behind the institution.


Vasant Kanya Mahavidyalaya (NAAC 2017 Level A) derives its name from Dr. Annie Besant who loved India as her mother land. She was a patriot in her own right, a Theosophist, an educationist and a relentless worker for the cause of women. The significance of this great name has acted as a decisive factor in ascertaining the identity of the college right from its inception in 1954. Engaged with the ideal of “Education as Service” and dissemination of Besant spirit, this institution coheres tradition with modernity and imparts an education enriched with academic and extra-curricular programmes to inculcate in the students individuality, discipline and respect for values. Our mission is:

  • To equip and empower students with relevant knowledge, competence, value and creativity to face global challenges.
  • To provide quality education to women.
  • To strive continuously to fructify the physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual and aesthetic capacities of women.
  • To achieve innovations in teaching-learning, research and extension activities.
  • To promote participation of all the stake holders in the development of the college.
  • To facilitate optimum use of human and natural resources for sustainable development.
  • To pursue student-centric learning for self-development and skill development among students.
  • To promote and practice inclusive growth.
  • To create awareness on human rights, value system, culture, heritage, scientific temper and environment.
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