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College Library

Library is a major component of an educational institution. A formative mind needs books to guide and direct it. VKM has a rich library which caters to her students and teaching & non-teaching staff.

The library has an Advisory Committee which consists of the Principal, Librarian, IQAC Coordinator and 4 faculty members, and two student representatives.

Regular meetings of the Committee are held where committee members provide valuable inputs for the better functioning of the library. On the advice of the committee members, new and relevant journals and books are procured with the funds made available by the UGC.

Details of VKM Library

  • Total area of the library (in Sq. Mts.): 239.63 Sq. Mts.
  • Total seating capacity :100
  • Working hours (on working days, on holidays, before examination days, during examination days, during vacation)
  • Working hours of the Library is from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days. It is closed on Sundays and other gazetted holidays.
  • Full automation work has been almost completed so as to make library more user-friendly.
  • Xerox facility for students and staff is available in the library on payment basis.
  • Open access to stack for PG students and research scholars is provided.
  • A reading room with reference books, encyclopaedia, magazines, journals, periodicals, newspapers is open for both students and staff members.
  • The reading room is also equipped with 4 computers with internet facility.

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